North Florida Regional Chamber of Commerce
We Help Your Business Succeed

State Attourney's Office- Project Payback

Program Location:

Services are in person and on request, in State Attourney's Office
120 west university avenue

Program Contact:

Gretchen Casey


Juvenile offenders that have been court ordered to pay restitution.

We have the potential to be able to help juveniles- someone under the age of 18. Have the ability to do job skill training with juveniles, resume preperation, interview skills, application pointers, applying for jobs, how to talk about and describe a criminal past.

Help young people be in a better place to get and keep a job.

Program Type:


Certificate Type:

No, but can provide references

Time of Day:

Business hours, sometimes make an exception


Training is limited to no more than 3 2 hour sessions.


job training

Common Age Group:

generally 16-17

Average Number of Participants:

between 50-60


No financial incentives, but they help get money incur, they can work off money they owe through community service hours if it will enhance life skills


Juvenile Justice System, Judges, Department of jUvenile justice probation officers




Open to work with other partners


No cost or fees