North Florida Regional Chamber of Commerce
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AMI Kids

Program Location:

Located in SW Gainesville, near Tower Road

Program Contact:

Dan Bacallao


Serves at risk kids and kids that are already in the juvenile justice system. Prevention and providing services for kids that are already in the juvenile justice system.
provide educational services with credit recovery, general classes and GED, provide treatment services with groups and counceling
vocational training and certificate program in januay for 16-18 YO

Program Type:


Certificate Type:

90% of kids come in below grade level, goal is to get back to grade level into regular school
get through probation and sanctions- including treatment, cerfew, attendance, etc.
specific program model based on education, treatment, behavioral modification
progress in education, behavior, treatment and sanctions
can provide diplomas

Time of Day:

Business hours


Services are provided from 9-5:30, year round program with the exception of holidays. 5 days per week
Minimum of one semester, some take longer, like an entire school year
summer school services


Kids that come in with juvenile offenses will have the opportunity to get records expunged
credits toward high school graduation
learn skills for vocation

Meals Provided:

Breakfast lunch and snack

Common Age Group:

14-18 middle to high schools

Average Number of Participants:

80-90 per year


AMI Kids INC- corporate offer every graduate a college or vocational school tuition grant, can be community college or vocational school, several students have taken advantage of that and wanted to get CNAcriteria is finish program successfully, and comp


Meridian Health Services- emergency mental health services, provide therapeutic services once per week
UF BSU- black student union
School Board of Alachua County
State Attourney's Office
Private Sector- contributions, donations
Volunteer board- oversight


No, Santa fe is a partnership but it is informal





Program Website: